Game Production Portfolio

Community Manager

UCSC - M.S. Games and Playable Media

I Value People

I wanted to get more involved in making friends and creating a positive education and social environment for all my classmates. I loved getting to know my cohort and bringing people together to make new friends and memories. My favorite part about being the community manager was working with my peers and with the UCSC M.S. Human-Computer Interaction community managers to make cross-program events! These experiences created friendships and inter-program cohesion and participation in each other projects. The joy of bringing people together fills my soul and drives me to be a better leader. I only ever want the people around me to be happy and find good people to experience what life has to offer.

M.S. GPM Graduation Photo
SVC Hacks Conclusion

SVC Hacks Autumn 2024

Helix Stack Jump

Kooapps - Producer

Helix Stack Jump

Helix Stack Jump is owned and developed by Kooapps. The recorded gameplay found here is to demonstrate my work and features that were implemented in this game.

Download on Google Play Store

Download on Apple App Store

Click Here to Learn More About My Work on Helix Stack Jump

Fruity Fall Live Event Gameplay

Helix Stack Jump Performance

Recorded on Google Play Store Version, Feb. 2022 - Aug. 2022

Since I started designing and producing this project:

NOTE: When Live Events are active, they replace the Daily Challenge. The Daily Challenge is only shown in game when there is no active Live Event.

Gun Matrix and Rapid Development

Kooapps - Producer

Gun Matrix

Gun Matrix is owned and developed by Kooapps. The recorded gameplay found here is to demonstrate my work and features that were implemented in this game.

Download on Google Play Store

Click Here to Learn More About My Work on Gun Matrix and Rapid Development

Gun Matrix Gameplay

Freight Hopper

Husky Game Studio - Producer

Freight Hopper 

Release July 29th, 2022, on Steam for Windows, Mac, and Linux, for free! Developed by Husky Game Studio. Husky Game Studio is made up of volunteers who all decided to release this game for free. All information and data presented here were authorized by my peers to be demonstrated on my portfolio.

Download on Steam

Don't have Steam? Download Here

Click Here to Learn More About My Work on Freight Hopper

Freight Hopper Gameplay Trailer

Freight Hopper Performance on Steam

Recorded July 29th - September 3rd, 2022

Overall, I am ecstatic that people enjoy Freight Hopper. It was a fantastic pleasure to work with great classmates and produce something that others found valuable. If Freight Hopper sees more growth as the metrics are depicting, I will continue to work on additional gameplay for the game.

Freight Hopper has a page with one uploaded run listed at 2 minutes, 32 seconds, 967 milliseconds. Check out the speed run here!